
Our vision is for every child within the Hawridge & Cholesbury family to grow, flourish, ‘have life and ….have it more abundantly’ (John 10:10 KLV); to be fascinated, rounded, eager to make a difference, spiritual and have high aspirations through Jesus’ teaching and our curriculum.

We live our vision through our natural setting and our school values:

Respect Teamwork Responsibility Understanding

Peace Honesty



School Timings

 The gates open at 8.40am and close at 8.50am 

  • EYFS and KS1 finish at 3pm
  • KS2 finish at 3.15pm
Please see our ‘Join Our Team’ page for job vacancy details or contact office@hcschool.uk to express an interest. 
Just a reminder
 Monday 6th May is a bank holiday
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May 6
May 7
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